2023 RLT Annual Meeting is April 6 at 7pm with Dr. Vincent Seccareccia as the featured speaker

The 2023 RLT annual meeting will be held on Thursday, April 6 at 7pm at Goff Memorial Hall/Blanding Public Library (124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA).

We are excited to have local veterinarian and RLT member, Dr. Vincent Seccareccia, as our speaker this year. Dr. Seccareccia, who has a passion for environmental ecology, will speak about emerging health and environmental issues affecting our outdoor activities in southeastern New England.  

His illustrated talk will touch on various topics of current importance including insect-borne illnesses, invasive species, climate change, and human impacts on native species of plants and animals. As a veterinary professional who integrates his understanding of ecological principles in his work, Dr. Seccareccia will draw on examples from his personal experience. 

We look forward to this presentation on topics of current relevance and increasing importance to those of us who enjoy animals and outdoor pursuits. We hope you can join us!

Events, NewsKylee Hunnibell